суббота, 17 сентября 2011 г.

”ნასედკური” შემოტევა / ’Sneakily’ attack


შემოქმედისთვის ინტერნეტი თავისუფლების არეალია... მაგრამ ამგვარ თავისუფლებაზე ჩასაფრებული ”ნასედკები”, აქაც გებრძვიან... დამოუკიდებელი ავტორის მოძლიერება მოსვენებას უკარგავთ... ამგვარ შემოქმედსა და უშუალო მკითხველს შორის დაუკითხავად ეჩრებიან... ახლახან ”, ვინმე თეო ავალიანმა (Teo Avaliani) ინგლისურენოვან საზოგადოებასთან დამასმინა”. ასე ვთქვათ, ”თავგანწირვითშემოიჭრა Facebook-ის მეშვეობით PoemHunter.com-ზე (Poet's Page) და არამკითხე მოამბესავით, ისე რომ საიტის გვერდებზე შესვლა უცდია, დასვა კომენტარი: ‘plural sweepings, this is not poems’. ანუ, ეს არაა ლექსები, ეს მრავალმრიცხოვანი ნაგავიაორამდენიმე დღის შემდეგ, მე შემთხვევით წავაწყდი გოიმური ავანტიურის ამკეკლუცობასდა მშვიდად ვუპასუხე (Poet's Page)
Be yourself baby….You will get used….
Read the Thomas Stearns Eliot,
Walt Whitman…
ანუ დამშვიდდი პატარავ
წაიკითხე ტომას სტერნზ ელიოტი, უოლტ უიტმენი
რამაც ინგლისურენოვანი მკითხველების მოწონება დაიმსახურა.
ქალბატონ Teo- (თუმც, დანამდვილებით ვერ ვიტყვი, რომ იგი ქალბატონია, რადგან შესაძლოა, შიგადაშიგ ბიჭური გარღვევებიც ააქვს) რომ ნაწილობრივ მაინც გადაეკითხა ის კომენტარები, რითაც ჩემს ლექსებს ინგლისურენოვანი მკითხელი ეხმაურება, იქნებ, არ ეჩქარა ამგვარი ბრიყვული გამოხომათუმც, ისე რომ არ გამომივიდეს, როგორც ჩემს ერთ-ერთ ლექსში მიდი მიაწექ!”-ში მაქვს დასურათხატებული, ალალ მოსაზრებას მომავლისათვის აღარ გადავინახავ.
სინამდვილე ისაა, რომ მავანთ-მავანთ, ჩემი მოქალაქეობრივი პოზიცია აღიზიანებს, რომელიც, რა თქმა უნდა, უპირველესად, ჩემსავე ნაარმოებებშია ასახული; ძირითადად პუბლიცისტურ წერილებში. თუმც, არც სხვადასხვა დროს დასტამბული, ამჟამად ინტერნეტში განთავსებული ჩემი რომანები, მოთხრობები, ნოველები, პიესები და ლექსებიც არაა მოკლებული ამგვარ ფონს.
ქართულ ინტერნეტსივრცეში კი, პარტიული შტოებისგან პროვოცირებული ისტერიული ფსიქოზი მძვინვარებს. ჩასაფრებულიუზერთაჯგუფები სხვადასხვა სფეროების გაკონტროლებას ცდილობენ; დაშინებით, ლანძღვით, დასმენითეტყობა, ჩემისთანაუცნობი სახისჯერიც დადგა.
რა თქმა უნდა, დავინტერესდი ვინაა ეს Teo Avaliani, ჯანრი გოგეშვილის შემოქმედებით, ნაუცბათევად, რომ გაღიზიანდა მეთქი. Facebook-ზე, (Teo-ს ავატარი ჩემს ლექსებზე თავდასხმისას, აი, იმ გოგო-ბიჭივით ინაზებოდა, ახლა კი, ”ორსახოვან” იოგად გადაკეთდა. ვერ გეტყვით, მომავალში რა სახით მოგვევლიება. იქნებ...)
...მის გვერდზე, რამდენიმე ცნობილი და მართლაც ნიჭიერი ადამიანების ფოტოები ვიხილე. ახლა, ასე იციან, თავიანთი სახეინტელექტუალად”, რომ წარმოაჩინონ ცნობილი პიროვნებების ფოტოებს ეტმასნებიან. რომელთა შემოქმედებასა თუ მოღვაწეობაზე უმეტესად სრული წარმოდგენაც კი არა აქვთ.
ჰოდა, ესინტერნეტნასედკებისლაშქარს მიტმასნილი ”Teo” (იმედია ვან გოგის ძმა ”Theo”- კეთილად გაგვახსენდება.) თავისი ტუტრუცანა გამოხდომით, ვერც კი ხვდება არა მარტო მე, არამედ ქართველ ინტერნეტსაზოგადოებას აყენებს ჩრდილს. აბა როგორ, ინგლისურენოვანი მკითხველები დადებითად აღიქვამენ ჩემ პოეზიას. ეს კი, ”მაცნესაქართველოდან, მსოფლიო საზოგადოებას აუწყებს, ჯანრი გოგეშვილმა შეცდომაში არ შეგიყვანოთ, თავისი ლექსები ჭეშმარიტ პოეზიის ნიმუშებად არ შემოგატყუოთ, ეს ლექსები კი არა ”plural sweepings…” არისო. აბა, ჩემი ლექსების წაკითხვის სურვილი თუ ასე კლავდა, აქვე, ინტერნეტში 2010 წელს გამოცემულ კრებულისიზმრიდან ცხადშისრულადაა განთავსებული. (იმის მოძიებაც შეეძლო, თუ ამ კრებულიდან ზოგი ლექსი, მოწონების ნიშნად, როგორ გადააქვთ შემეცნებით-გასართობ საიტებზე).
არ ვაპირებდი ჩემი პოეზი, ასე თვალსაჩინოდ წარმოჩენას (მით უფრო, მისი კითხვისას, შესაძლოა ჭეშმარიტ მკითხველსაც გაუჩნდეს თავისი შენიშვნები), მაგრამ პაწია ”Teo” უნდა გაგიმხილო, ჩემი ლექსების ინგლისური თარგმანები (უმეტესი ნაწილი თარგმნა ქალბატონმა ასმათ ლეკიაშვილმა) და ჩემ მიერ ინგლისურადნავარჯიშებისტროფები, ზოგმა ინგლისურენოვანმა საიტმა, როგორც ინგლისური პოეზიის ნიმუშები ანუ როგორც ”English Poetry” -ასე წარმოადგინა. რა ვქნა, შებრძოლებას ხომ არ დავუწყებ ამ კეთილმოსურნე უცხოელებს, ნუ წარმომაჩენთ მეთქი.
არ ვფიქრობდი, იმ მოკლე კომენტარის გარდა, სხვა პასუხი გამეცა, მაგრამ შენ შენსას არ იშლი, ის შენი ”უცხვირპირობა”, რაღაცეშმაკობითლამის ჩააკვდა იმ საქვეყნოდ ცნობილი ამერიკული საიტის ჩემეულ გვერდს...
ახლა, ისიც მინდა განვაცხადო, რომ ბოლო დროს რუსულ ენაზე მოვინდომე პოეტური ხედვებისგამოხატვა.
აბა, შენ და შენმა თანამოაზრებამა როგორმე დამასმინეთ. ” სად მიაგკი, სად ტვიორდი ზნაკი და სად მაგარი ი!” გამომრჩა. (უმეტესწილად აი, აქაა განთავსებული: · Журнал “Самиздат”, Гогешвили Джанри, Занимательные строфы…

ილაღე ქალო, მე ნუ მახელებ,
შიშველ სხეულით სხვა გააბრიყვე,
ლაჯებში გაჩრილ მაგ ცხენის ქალას
რა ფუნქცია აქვს, ეს ვერ გავიგე
თუ ნაყოფია, შენი, ეს ქალა,
დამღუპველია უაზრო ბაძვა
თუ კაცთა მოდგმას ასე ამცირებ,
ხომ გახსოვს, თაგვმა რაც გამოთხარა
ვაგლახ, დამცინი, რომ მე ჩავაკვდი
მამაპაპეულ წესსა და იღბალს,
ხუნტრუცა ფიქრით შემითამამდი,
და თან გგონია მსოფლიოს ხიბლავ
მე თავის დროზე კარგა ვილხინე,
ახლაც ქე მომდგამს ჟინი და ძალა,
მაგას ვერაფრით ვერ გავიკვირებ,
ქალის ალერსის სხვა ვიცი ქარგა
აბა რა გინდა, ენა ვიჩლიქო,
როცა შენ დაჰგმე რიდი და გაცლა,
მაგამორძლობით ბეჩი მოდრიკე,
ჩემთან არ გირჩევ, ნუ იგებ ხაფანგს
აღარ დაგმოძღვრავ, აზრი არა აქვს,
იგავ-არაკებს შენ არ თვლი საგზლად,
ღვარძლსა იცოხნი, ლექსსა რქებს ადგამ,
მკადრებელი ხარ, ჩემგან სჯობს გაცლა

და მაინც კეთილი სურვილებით
ჯანრი გოგეშვილი
ახლა კი ინგლისურენოვანი მკითხველების კომენტარებსაც გაეცანით:
კომენტარები PoemHunter.com-ზე:

John Tiong Chunghoo (9/22/2008 11:42:00 AM)
i really love these lines janri.

I hear the moon breathe
In the rustle of leaves.
The thought – the steed of desire
Flies up to heavens…
Your absence does not make me blind,
Your absence is no weight on my mind
Ruslan Kerimov (7/15/2008 5:27:00 AM)
A very beautiful and poetic write from the first line to the last
Howard Moore (2/7/2008 12:00:00 PM)
A most beautiful and peacful, write, thank you for letting us read.

marvin brato (1/16/2010 4:29:00 AM)
A classic write, meaningful and profound expression!
Vidi Writes (4/25/2009 9:21:00 AM)
This is a most inviting call of life.
Be with any... even enemy
Its life afterall, we should learn to live with.
Pardon, kidness, love and care
These few values of life
Will make a marked difference in how we live.

Great Message. Thank you.
Jolanta Gradowicz (2/27/2008 2:39:00 PM)
Thank you for this poem. I love its strenght and message. Wonderful.
Ben Gieske (11/26/2008 6:49:00 PM)
Very uplifting poem with a strong message.

და ასე შემდეგ, რიგი გამოხმაურებებისა... ( სხვადასხვა ლექსზე):

Comment: Very meaningful piece. In our age there are still court poets, that's true.

Thanks for sharing
Comment: Lovely poem Janri dreams never die, especially the ones close to our hearts, i hope yours are staying strong, take care :)
Comment: I enjoyed this one a great deal, Janri! Who hasn' t been devastated by a critical data loss, whether with a PC, device or brain, right? I love the salvaged nature of this, harkening back to the glory of your lost piece by jotting this new piece in tribute. Wonderful technique, my friend! Keep 'em coming! Warm regards, John.
Comment: i really like the way you could convey your meaningful message in few..lovely
Comment: very significant title.. value based all through......we all bear our ratio of responsibiliy/ nice to read

Comment: Agree with the comments of Ruslan.
Moving 10++

Comment: 'Today frankness is strewed with ashes.
But the dreaming heart never stops,
It beats… it beats, and throbs…'

Amazing expression 10++
Comment: Dear friend, I hope after August 2008 you don't consider all the Russians your enemies, it's a very well written work. thank you.
Comment: Haunting, we all have dreams, desires, and a wish list of our perfect love, but in reality....reality just bites, but If U are very lucky sometimes, sometimes... you get what U need. T
Comment: I'm all praise...This is such a wonderfully expressive piece! It breathes in the scent of freedom and rebellion... brilliant write! straight 10 for you...
Comment: There is a tranquility in your verse and I'm so deeply amazed by it....wonderful poem, simplistic in its approach yet poised with a deep voice..
Comment: i like this deep and thoughtful
Comment: I love this poem. Very true of most people comfortable in their own environment. I'm making this one of my favorite poems. Thanks for the translation.10 from me. Jim
Comment: Beautiful words Janri..thank you for sharing them with us....
Comment: very descriptive poem, i could picture myself there as i read this poem, it is sad what a bull has to go through in these situations just to satisfy mans insatiable lust for power and entertainment, bull's are living creatures and their life should be valued, u showed that well, great poem 10 :)
Comment: the pain of losing something precious was conveyed in the poem. it reminded me of somethign which i lost.
Comment: May be so.. but your eulogy here.. certainly makes up for it... I tinkled earlier this year and lost about 50 of mine... when words are lost or die in the biggest ether....
vocabulary just loses weight... I lost some tears as well... (thanks for the translation) .
Comment: I liked this poem very much. It's very tight and powerful. And ending part is just awesome!
Comment: A beautiful and insightful poem into the relationship between the inidividual and the Divine...
Comment: wow loved this one.....................
Comment: oh.......now this is a great poem......beautifull....well done
Comment: great poem thanks for sharing
Comment: A nice poem amounts to a beautiful prayer.
Love it with 10.
Comment: A lovely poem about the beauty of women.
Comment: 'You must mind
That your happiness
Is turned into adultery and fall,
And that you’re perishing and rotting
In the cemetery of your own soul…'

The content of the poem is amazing.
Love it.
10 for it.
Comment: My 10 for this touchy and lovely poem.
Comment: pride and loyalty. thanks.md
Comment: good meaningful write...originated 30 years back in life...10
Comment: i really love these lines janri.

I hear the moon breathe
In the rustle of leaves.
The thought – the steed of desire
Flies up to heavens…
Your absence does not make me blind,
Your absence is no weight on my mind
Comment: yes, sometimes, we just love to be bare. it can be the best to happen like when we were born. great poem.
Comment: I think too many of us will recognise this scenario you so vividly portray Janri. The net is alive with raging/consuming emotion and you've managed to find the words to match that infectious fire.. not an easy task.. jim
Comment: Naked truth stripping out hypocrisy, clad- in- false...excellent mystic write, Janri...ten for your poem
Comment: Those two last lines come across really great
Comment: a nice protesting voice of a sound monologue against terrorists invading and claiming what's not theirs..all framed by lovely rhymed eg bridle/ title..well done
Comment: My heart is with your people days and nights. Be blessed you and your family.
Comment: the moon light too melt the ice! a claasic line...the poem stressing on quality and virtues in everything including one's thoughts and writes...impressively presented 10+
Comment: stumbling or falling nevertheless, the gifted will definitely ascend to mounts...the peak in fact awaits... good write, Janri 10
Comment: internetting a s a bridge. how lovely and creative
Comment: You captured this pretend world with a wonderful display of talent. Thank you for sharing this with me!
Comment: _____________________________________________________-
Very much unfortunate, but a common phenomena which I have seen
shattering the hopes of many soul at their blooming. I only differ with you
in holding other responsible for this. Seed is born in the mind and grows
in congenial environ. someone can only ignites provided material is there.
Comment: ___________________________________________________
You show the Excellence Janri, It is a must read for everyone
who, might have written a single piece called a Poem.
Comment: ____________________________________________________
Your faith in Him that He does the right is radiant in your poem.
Comment: those people who try to steal the reputation of virtuous others can not do so long for sooner or later they get exposed...good meaningful write... ten votes
Comment: A great write Janri, I especially liked the last stanza with its 'Adorning the grief with compassion'. This is probably what I also would like to convey to the world. True 10.
Comment: very sensible write janri...you bring out a beautiful truth very beautifully...full rating
Comment: A lovely bright write... water seasoned with soils' flavor... earthern.. I loved it.10
Comment: Dear Janri,
A great write, very touching, very good imagery, very profound perception. I enjoyed reading it.
With all sincerity
Comment: preying on...praying on...good confession this...enjoyed 10
Comment: a subject so common in married life has been very well poetically told... the ending lines are so good...10
Comment: that God is with the artless and upright- fine lines speaking of your intense faith at last.
Comment: its very blooder poem but i have so hitman poems
Comment: It is revealed at last
That a single warrior
Is helped by the forces –
The threats to the foe,
The best victory for a warrior is to fight alone, connected to the super natural power - Good Janri - 10
Comment: '...trusted his thoughts to the sky…'
a very good line depicting the plight of the dying parent and the unloving son...a touching narration...10
Comment: pain is pain twice when you brood over it. the message well brought out in few good lines...loved the lines 'Despair flirts about with the thought.
If we destroy its nest, it’ll perish'...good work, janri
Comment: This is an excellent composition.
'But the dreaming heart never stops, '.......so sweet it rhymes.
Comment: hmmm.............interesting
yest it provides a way to vent feelings with the like minded around the globe
wrappinig this beautiful world in this small box...good poem
Comment: A beautiful truth sometime eluding the facial farce......excellent poem
Comment: It is a good scenario for a virtual film at the post numeric age. the transhumen log already in that Rimbaldian's town (une saison en enfer) - well done
Comment: Fear is the enemy of men buit present..........well pictirised in words.good poem
Comment: beautiful write, janri! here you symbolise fear as something that is present in every living thing big or small...as something that always flies up trying to escape from mind...i give you 10
Comment: Never too late to fulfill your dream as a poet...a constant balance to any material desires will take you right...Nice poem..
Comment: A best way to state on the 6 perfections.
Comment: The materialistic pleasure tempt us down
While the poetic fervor pulls us up…
The desires win the tug of war
Forbidding us to win the crown….
Very thoughtful,
Your poem did have wings to ride up our thoughts.
Comment: Beautiful, I love it!
Comment: Stark and well expressed! I'd like to second Abha on this...
I liked the expression 'With the bird goes the taste of grain..' a neat turn of phrase indeed!
Comment: PEOPLE need affection, not just the men. The forests will survive if men would stop cutting down the trees in the name of progress. The beasts are leaving the forests because people are encroaching on their habitat. If the beasts moved into the cities, where would people go? This poem tells of men's need for passion ignoring women's need for the same thing. Because of how you wrote this, I give you a 0.
Comment: irony well defined in these lines….. for my city has experienced lately the same, some misguided souls lost all wisdom and committed grave sin….
Well composed
Comment: allusive.....deep in thoughts rich to ponder on...lovely write
Comment: rich poetic allusion and emblem worth rereading
Comment: No dreams is the end of life. Alas!

I like your interchange of sight and sound:

In the depth of the stage
The streak of light…
Was crossed out.

The deafened life
With its eyes put out,
Waved its hands in the hall,
Comment: You capture the illusion creates by the virtual world that keeps us away from accomplishment...thank you
Comment: the past is to be forgetten, no matter how bad is it...If the sins are repented and not repeated then the dignity is justified...
well composed, the flow is interesting to read.
Comment: Orginality is what true writing is about and I really like the way you have explained that need to be existent in every writing which is done.
Comment: from the virtual you sometimes get the real....a nice way of venturing into the space....passions train welcomed here....for the solace of the mind....
interesting to read.....
Comment: What we find the least of in flirtation is love.
Says Francois.

I believe...

In this imagery Internet world
One needs be rational.
Make distinctions
Enjoy variety and verity.

Poem stands out from the rest of today
A Beacon-Light in the sea shore.
Comment: Impressive writing. Internet is a space with lot of things and it's up to us which one we are searching for.
Comment: loved it,
soace is a strange world,
ther eis an interplay of virtual
and real,
Comment: the scene painted by you in these lines is so attractive that i could visualise..
the orator's giggling, the fruitless womb all very creative..and reveals the deep thought...
Comment: A very nice piece quite deep and thought provoking, I loved the line in the fruitless womb of the mind thank you Nik
Comment: Glorious intertwining of misunderstanding with irony - of which two the latter has the power over the other - therefore once again it may be said: it is not so important what we believe, much more important is our attitude engendered by whatever we believe
Comment: A breathless poem revealing the strongest passion…
your words and style enslaving the readers…
stunning composition…
Comment: And this is plagiarism.. the inspiration is divine… poetasters cannot become famous..they can only fool fools..very well composed and thought provoking… writings should be original…
Comment: a positive message..which takes the life futher..there is no room for any doubts...well said and good composition.
Comment: mothers are oh so important...
Comment: An awesome poem full of depth and feeling.10+ thank you
Comment: Mind-stirring.......yet good.
Comment: Deep thought..............good imagery
Comment: Hi Janri, thanks for sending comments about my poem, i really appreciate. i read your poem and really liked it. its true Man is an artitect of his own fortune. God has given us the same amount of time everday. it is up to us what we want to do in it. take care
Comment: I really appreciated this, I'd say, wearing our hearts on our dress. At my 'Apollo's temple' this attempt is staged on an old stage.
Comment: This is a great message, well written!
Comment: A joyful hymn to the sun.May its message shine on. in the hearts of all your readers,
Warm regards,
Comment: So dignified very wise words beautifully written thank you
Comment: A great work! Thanks for sharing!
Comment: Great poem! Congratulations to the original poet and the translating poet! Great message to the world!
Comment: A deeply moving piece with a lot of truth thank you
Comment: Lovely flow of words in this poem. Enjoyed reading it.
Comment: what a lovely poetry.
Comment: Written with clarity, vision and purpose. A very wise and realized poem. Take care.
Warm regards
Comment: Deep and meaningful....this is one my faves.
Comment: Breathtaking impressions. Original. Great.
Comment: Thank you for this poem. I love its strenght and message. Wonderful.
Comment: I read your poems backward so this is the last
I shall read today. This, however, is the best
of them. You communicated a message here
to all generations of mankind who are prepared
to listen. A contribution to the spirit of the
people of the world.
Comment: The last four lines are excellant! A worthy message
as well.
Comment: What a fine message! Well done sir.
Comment: Look at the butterfly. I must rely on your translator, for which I am sorry, but I agree with your sentiment.
Comment: Imaginative! Original imagery. Thanks for sharing.
Comment: Nature indeed is our best master and we can learn quite a lot out of it- the great manifestation of God!
Comment: A nice poem with a great message!
Comment: A beautiful poem which I enjoyed thoroughly! Probably original would have been more!
Comment: Good poem Janri there is a message in it for all of us, very good work
Comment: a beautiful poem. i wish i knew the language up there. i hear that poems sound even better in one's language. nice write.
Comment: Nice thought in the original poem and a good translation.
Comment: Lovely piece....I can remember my brother when he was training for boxing....He alomost killed himself...Thanks for sharing that with us.....

კომენტარები საიტიდან
”Poet’s For Integrity”
ნახმევი ლექსთა ველისა...

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: What a beautiful and universal poem, my friend. Certainly, as children of God, we experience all of the same processes afforded humans in this finite world. You have touched my soul with your awesome writing talent!

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: This poem seems to me to contain the practice of dealing with pain at least with Bio feedback. Visualization regarding removing the cause and provides a positive dimension within which to perceive pain and its nature. The last two lines of each stanza are fantastic and so creatively unique. A most inspirational experience to read this poem and spend time in re-reads and musing over the word picks and metaphors.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: What a beautiful and universal poem, my friend. Certainly, as children of God, we experience all of the same processes afforded humans in this finite world. You have touched my soul with your awesome writing talent! Sheri.LIFE DWELLS IN PAIN…

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Such a beautiful in-dept poem on the true meaning of suffering in life. Pain is inevitable, the sooner we can accept the pain, as a reminder to life, one day it will be gone forever, when the Creator puts a mortal end to one’ S suffering. I can live until that day. Great write...
peace, racha.

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: WOW, WOW, WOW… What a great poem of discovery and natural maturation Excellent metaphors and so literary containing hidden meanings that surface with the imagination of the reader. Beautiful and lovely in writer word and lovely in written word and reader’s experience.Martin


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: I love how this poem turns a negative info a positive thought out!! Excellent!


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Beautiful metaphoric language, nature blooming Forth into lafe.
Peace, racha.

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Sometimes the point is of the writing is lost in the translation I don’t feel so… Writes… the choices bring the cleansing For a brighter day, a brighter insight, and a brighter planet by the flight, of the appearance, of the Lady Bird. Change comes from the darkness within the process of the cleansing Wonderfully constructed and presented Strong emotive value,

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: This poem reads as if it were mythology. I enjoyed the imagery and feeling that I was being transported back to the beginning of time. ABqueen Author’s Profile

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Great and enticing title Powerful commentary on male dominance. The last two stanza are so creative in the description of the female contribution of the female contribution to society and the world as well as bringing the world. The last stanza is totally crafted as a superb literary poem within itself.


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Indeed does our humanness get in the way of life and vice-versa. These ways of course are and always will be universal as long as finite fills the earth Although, I do not believe in fate, (but destiny)… the poem ends with a light in the hope and belief of better things to come! I don’t know if we will ever learn, I doubt it, as history speaks for itself. But we continue, the masses do, to hope and pray for the better.Sheri


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Beautifully deep and so profound, all that can bring about life, hope to a dying world. Peace, racha.


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: I’m not sure I fully comprehend your meaning and yet, your words stir something deep within. May I ask what language the writing is? I find it fascinating. Your style is very different from mine but I appreciate the depth and soulfulness you express.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: Outstanding _ Bravo & Oncore!! What more can be said?
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI
Review: indeed life is a satire filled pretense and soul. Soul to know what is right and what is wrong, pretense remains ever the tempt of the finite… great poem!


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Isn’t it ironic that nature takes the pain to show life in all its beauty… for every eye to see. But this poem is a reminder, that be we rose or violet blue, we too will know this feeling when our day is through. Great write, food for thought.
Peace, racha.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILIReview:
Lovely images with such deep meaning. Beautiful timing with a climax. I enjoyed this very much with your experienced wordsmithing…
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: A poem that is universal. It profiles the inner Self of sadness combined with multi dimensions of love… Flows smoothly and takes the reader on a journey of reality. Filled with sadness and love yet leaves the option as to how one reacts or responds to life as a personal choice and not the victim of circumstances. This poem subtly emphasizes so many insights to living and choices.Martin

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: This little old bird sound a lot like me hoping to become a nesting bird forever young and free. Great write, welcome to this site, this old bird will be singing new songs ans daylight turns to night.
WELCOME… tee, hee!
Peace, racha.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: A great metaphor here, 3 quatrains filled with reality of aging and certainly you leave the door wide open with the last three verses which to me are quite powerful and still leave the end result up to the individual reader.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Very, very creative. Most meaningful as related to the concept of a life cycle. The last stanza is so true. It says that age is not a number. It means only one thing ie how long one has breathing on his/her own regardless of the form of life. The word pic in the last line is a tremendous summary .Martin
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: A very beautiful poem that touches the heart…
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Written with a depth rarely seen outside the motherland Janri _ kudos x _
Agashkina (daughter of Nicholas).

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Replete with word pics and balanced with emotional pallattes.
I love the title. It brings the reader immediately into the depth of the poem. I love the transition into the meaning of creation being a healer even tho’ facing darkness is still the challenge.
The last stanza is so powerful and conceptual and allows the reader to expand his/her imagination of conceptual of application to life.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Vastly deep in metaphor. Where is the affection and compassion this write seems to bring forth. You are a writer of status and it is a pleasure to be able to walk through your home of writings. The library door is open I suspect with more on the ethers to be shared… Very vivid write,

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Much power and strength is visible in this write. The metaphor compares both the fiery bull and the hot-tempered man. Great comparisons are portrayed.
Peace, racha.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: This is pure and raw in its violence and not a poem for the faint of heart. Well structured and most effective.


According to my son’s drawing
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: A most well crafted love poem. The interplay of experiences and Feelings by the king, queen, clown and full of shenanigans and zest!

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Are we actually in the presence… Or simply someone who has discovered a great poet and wishes to share? Either way _ great stuff & a rare treat!
Writing which sets a standard and raises the bar:)
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: To break out of the mold is a pushing and tugging process which takes perseverance and fortitude. Illusion/alone time, all part of it, as I see it. The human mind is of such a low vibration, however, the lotus blooms in the awakening…

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: I believe this is true of most humans at one time or another. We fight against all that makes us human and therefore vulnerable. Create poem.
AB PS. Welcome to the site.
Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: This poem seems to me to contain the practice of dealing with pain at least with Bio feedback, Visualization regarding removing the cause and provides a positive dimension within which to perceive pain and its nature. The last two lines of each stanza are Fantastic and so creatively unique. A most inspirational experience to read this poem and spend time in re-reads and musing over the word pick and metaphors.


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: The wings of Forgiveness should not be difficult to find but low and behold it seems they are. This talks of just that, and shows the need to look the other way…
Another of your vast image laden writes, with strength of purpose, and depth of knowing.


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: These words are penned from a grateful heart, telling me that the gift we received is ours, given to us to use not abuse in this life. We mast sift out good from the bad through our choices for the heavens expect nothing less from us great reminder.Peace, racha


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: And so it is, that the higher orders are adhered to, and the lower orders are not. The messade within is a strong one,


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Whatever our roots… whatever our county… the nature of the human heart does not change. Thanks for sharing this valuable poem.

Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Sometimes I am forced to listen to God when Life is at its most painful. God gives me respite fro that pain, He does not inflict it, but He does use it to help me change. Thanks for sharing your poetry,
AB queen Author’s Profile


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: Well, I agree. We definitely need to live for ourselves, through out own morals and convictions, and not to impress others or through others. Already, we are world of sheep, not using our own minds, and letting others control us. Respect for others has got to be humanity’s salvation!...


Submitted By: GOGESHVILI

Review: A wonderful description how the masses are compelled into conformity by society’s forces and movements and leadership. A most powerful reminder that we each are a person with a unique personhood designed for unique personhood designed for unique expressions designed for unique expressions and creative contribution to life. Let no one make puppets or robots out of us or anyone. The last stanza is Outstanding.Martin

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